Oshtemo Township Fire Department Burn Permits

Fill out the form below to obtain a burn permit or call our office at (269) 375-0487 for assistance.

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Oshtemo Township Open Burning Ordinance

Sec. 5.1. Open burning, to the extent allowed, shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance. Open burning shall also be conducted as required by other governmental agencies regulating emissions


Sec. 5.2. The open burning of brush, vegetation, grass clippings or leaves, is permitted within Oshtemo Charter Township.


Sec. 5.3. Open burning of materials containing paper products, any building material, lumber or lumber products is prohibited.


Sec. 5.4. Prior to commencement of open burning, the applicant shall obtain a burning permit from the Township Fire Department.


Sec. 5.6. Open burning shall not be conducted within 50 feet of any structure or other combustible material. Conditions which would cause the fire to spread to within 50 feet of a structure shall be eliminated prior to ignition. The distance from any structure or other combustible material may be reduced to 25 feet when the pile size is three (3) feet or less in diameter and two (2) feet or less in height. Under no circumstances shall the burning of any materials be conducted on the paved or improved surface of any public or private street or roadway.


Sec. 5.7. A bucket, shovel, garden hose or a fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating shall be readily available at open burning sites.


Sec. 5.8. Burning materials shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire extinguishing equipment and familiar with permit limitations which restrict open burning. An attendant shall supervise the burning material until the fire has been extinguished


Sec. 5.9. The Fire Chief or his/her designee is authorized to require that open burning be immediately discontinued if the Fire Chief or his/her designee determines that smoke emissions are offensive to occupants of surrounding property or if the open burning is determined by the Fire Chief or his/her designee to constitute a hazardous condition.